AS Auto-Service

Cars, Car Servicing and Car Installations news and reviews

What to Look for in a New Car

Whether you are buying a vehicle new or second hand, there are some things you should look out for. Here is a list for people who are thinking of purchasing a new vehicle in the near future:

  • Mileage. This is only applicable to second hand cars, but it is incredibly important. You could buy a really new car that has very high mileage, or an older car with lower mileage. Take it into consideration and don’t just go with the newness of the number plate.
  • Diesel or petrol. Choose the option that is more fuel efficient for you depending on how and when you drive.
  • Space. If you have children or want to have them soon, think about how you will fit them into the car. Choose something that is more spacious inside, and think about a good boot for prams and pushchairs.
  • Age. As cars get older, they will inevitably need more repairs.